Community Activities

I believe in the power of human beings to serve love and kindness to the people around them with the inherent ability of humanity. There are many human beings around us who need hand support from us to grow as everyone does. Some people will not have the socioeconomic privilege to seek good living conditions and quality education. I always dream to make the people around me comfortable and happy by providing the best possible hence I founded a trust, Universal Education Foundation to aid children, senior citizens, women, and other subjugated sections of society. My intention is to make this world a better place with everyone can equally access quality education and socio-cultural condition.

As part of the charity services, numerous community activities have been conducted under Universal Education Foundation. Despite Kerala being my native state, I never looked below the communities in other states. During the Covid- 19 pandemic, we helped many communities by providing medical help, educational needs, and nourishment distribution in many places.

Universal Education Foundation seeks to ally with UNICEF to promote more charity services hence all the needy people around India will get benefited from it. We hope to start a movement with the aid of UEF that motivates people to work together to serve mankind. This organization's ongoing endeavour is to create awareness and offer care for those in need, particularly the next generation. I hopefully aspire to achieve a good future generation who gets equal opportunities at every level.


Covid- 19 has affected our world in the weirdest way by compromising the life of billions of people. The primary threat to humanity in all time is pandemic and covid was its fullest form for more than two years. The education sector has paralysed, the daily living became a dilemma, and all the fields of human life became a question mark during the chaos of Covid19 While going through all these chaotic days, my desire was to do something for the humanity so that they can improve their health and social conditions significantly. I organized a Covid pandemic relief program under Universal Education Foundation. Covid-19 has severely attacked the education sector by turning the children to remain at home. In this context, the entire education process has become online-centered and many children from low-economic backgrounds struggled to continue their classes. Our organization focused on such children with an aim to eradicate the digital divide in Kerala. We presented televisions, tablets, and mobile phones to those who needed them. By associating with government authorities such as MLA s and MPs, our organization distributed numerous materials across Kerala.

Our services during the pandemic are listed as follows.
  • A campaign has started under the title “Oru Kai Sahayam” in which many children got online education equipment
  • Provided study aids for more than 500 children
  • Distributed books, bags, and other study aids as study kits among poor children
  • Provided tablets for online class
  • Provided television for children needy
  • Provided sanitizers, masks, and other health aids for public health centres
  • Providing Cooked Food & Ration for Needy
  • Providing Masks and medicine
  • Distributed PPE kits and surgical gloves in hospitals

In 2018, severe floods affected the south Indian state Kerala, due to unusually high rainfall during the monsoon season. It was the worst flood in Kerala in nearly a century. Massive floods across Kerala have killed more than 350 people and displaced more than 800,000. Flood waters have slowly receded in many areas, but we now enter the most difficult phase of recovery: when survivors return to their homes, only to find little remains. And countless families are discovering their homes have been completely destroyed by the flooding and landslides. For the first time in history, 27 dams in the State had to be opened.

  • Ration kits for families consist of rice, dal, oil, salt, soybeans, etc
  • Study materials for children
  • Study kits for school kids
  • Clean drinking water
  • Tarpaulins/emergency shelters for displaced residents
  • Hygiene and sanitation kits

Never before has the State witnessed a flood disaster of this scale. In the fight against the flood, we have braved the odds, but recovery will be noteworthy, even now. The number of families and children doing without is haunting and that’s why UEF have decided to help the victims of the Kerala floods. It is our duty and entitlement to be able to help the affected restore their lives. The path to recovery can be long & arduous, but you can make a difference in the rebuilding efforts right now, from where you’re sitting by joining hands with UEF, in love and care.


COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has had an impact on daily life and it affected the global economy. This pandemic has touched thousands of people, who are either sick or dying as a result of the disease's spread. India has been tremendously affected by the Covid-19 pandemic because it has one of the largest numbers of people in the world. The southern states of India have comparatively better health infrastructure and are also under lockdown amid a second wave of the pandemic. Many organizations and philanthropists worked hard to bring India back to its life Chief Ministers of Kerala and Tamil Nadu have come together to send the message of “unity and brotherhood” in times of COVID-19. Despite language and boundaries, Kerala and Tamil Nadu always stay on behalf of the people. During the pandemic, Tamil Nadu has also been affected by its attack in every field of human life. In rural areas, people got stuck without proper care and medication during the period. Small-scale industries began collapsing, agriculture and farming got a severe decline in production and other living ways were in tumult at that period. The education sector was one of the major sectors which went through extreme crises during the pandemic.

Universal Education Foundation, our non-profitable organization broadened its vision to children outside Kerala. We contributed to the education sector with the provision of study kits throughout the state. We approached students with study support and presented them with study kits including books, bags, and other online education equipment. Many faced the problem of continuing their education, especially the poor. UEF distributed Tabs, Smartphones, Televisions, Study materials, and Bags for these students, helping them learn during online classes. We fulfill educational needs by improving the learning infrastructure of the children of Tamil Nadu. We hope for the next level of help with everyone’s support in the future.

What we have done in Tamil Nadu.
  • Distribution of online study materials such as smartphones, tablets, etc
  • Television set for community education
  • Study kits for kidsn
  • Masks and other medical equipment for people

Universal Education Foundation is a charitable trust with objectives to promote the cause of education and health of orphan and underprivileged children. It is a non-profit organization that has given us the opportunity to achieve our mission and accelerate our impact. We are very grateful to our associated donors for giving us the opportunity to serve the needy person of the downtrodden community. Universal Education Foundation firmly believes that we were able to extend services to orphans and depressed children Odisha in need. Our initiation is a step in the right direction to provide quality education leading them to the path of empowerment. We hope under this objective, we will win helping orphan and underprivileged children to achieve objectives in their own lives and to develop interpersonal skills and goal setting. India has made great strides in improving access to quality education, increasing elementary school enrolment, and reducing the number of out-of-school children. These achievements have been bolstered by key laws, policies, and programs such as the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act (2009), and the National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy (2013). We are trying to achieve a beautiful tomorrow for children in Odisha and help them to pursue their dream.


Oru Kai Sahayam is a service initiative proposed by the Universal Education Foundation to serve poor communities of India. We associate with NGOs and other governmental organizations to plan and implement suitable charity works in each place. We extend our activities to underprivileged communities in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, etc. this initiative became a ground-breaking initiative of UEF due to the wide acceptance it received. Oru Kai Sahayam has been actively run since 2020 during the pandemic and Kerala flood. We fought the Covid pandemic by serving them timely help with medical aid including masks, sanitizers, PPE kits, and study materials for covid-affected people. We are planning to expand our charitable activities to the poverty-stricken villages of Orissa in 2022. As part of Oru Kai Sahayam, we reached many corners of Kerala during the flood that erased the lives of hundreds of people. We reached there with clothes, medical assistance, study aids, and food support. Our aim was to offer equal opportunities and aid to people without any discrimination. We distributed aid in numerous schools and rehabilitation centers during the flood. During the Covid pandemic, we organized an initiative to help students with online education. With the corporation of MLAs, Panchayats, government authorities and NGOs, we distributed television, mobile phones and tablets for children who strive with limited facilities for learning. Oru Kai Sahayam provided surgical masks, sanitizers, and PPE kits in clinics and hospitals to support the covid health care system. Oru Kai Sahayam was a successful mission of UEF and it is still counting the services. Our intention is to provide better services for deserved people with more support from others.